Death of A loved one
We are very sorry to hear of the death of your loved one.
Facing the death of a loved one is a very painful experience and draws upon our deepest emotions both mentally and spiritually.
The death of someone you love is always traumatic. But even in your darkest moments, you need not fear, for God is with you. He is close to you.
“Do not let your hearts be troubled”, Jesus says. “Trust in God still and trust in me. There are many rooms in my Father’s house”.
This is the wonderful promise of Jesus – that he has prepared a place for those who love him.
Planning the Funeral Liturgy
The priests of the parish will be glad to discuss with you any aspect of the Funeral Liturgy. . The undertaker you have chosen will liaise with the priests of the parish to arrange the day and time of the funeral. After this one of the priests of the parish will be in contact with the family to assist in the preparation of the Funeral Liturgy – readings from Scripture, Prayers of the Faithful, Offertory Procession, Sacred Music, etc. It is our wish that the Liturgy will be a time of prayer for your loved one and of consolation and hope for you.
In the course of the Funeral Liturgy, we try to let God’s word speak to the hearts, so that we all might hear and be comforted by the Christian message.